Save millions of dollars and improve talent outcomes with our Generative Voice AI Agents

Speak Now With an AI Agent

Vocidian is transforming recruiting with our advanced Generative Voice AI Agents, enabling authentic conversations with every candidate. By harnessing sophisticated language models, lifelike voice synthesis, and rapid speech processing, our AI achieves unparalleled candidate engagement on a massive scale and with higher quality and efficiency.

Beyond engagement, our powerful AI analyzes candidate resumes and interview feedback, offering tailored hiring recommendations based on your specific requirements. For diverse candidate preferences, we also support text, email, and chatbot communications, so no candidate is left behind.

Reduce Recruiting Costs

Vocidian reduces headcount and payroll costs through automation while allowing you to seamlessly scale recruiting resources up or down as needs fluctuate.

Save Time + Increase Productivity

Vocidian's AI agents take over and automate tedious, repetitive recruiting tasks, freeing your team to focus on higher-value activities that drive growth.

Consistent, Unbiased Screening

Vocidian systematically screens all candidates against job criteria, enhancing consistency and reducing unconscious bias in hiring decisions.

Engage Every Candidate + Enrich Your Talent Pipeline

Vocidian ensures no applicant gets overlooked - by conducting natural voice conversations at an unprecedented scale.

Contact every applicant with a phone call and conduct telephonic interviews at scale with AI.

Vocidian's AI recruiter leverages advanced conversational AI to conduct natural telephone interviews with every applicant, ensuring no talent is overlooked while streamlining your recruiting process .

Comprehensive Candidate Performance Report.

Vocidian's AI thoroughly analyzes interview transcripts and generates detailed reports evaluating each candidate's suitability for the role, providing you with invaluable data to make informed hiring decisions.

Vocidian Generative AI Interview Engine

Trained on 10K+ Hours of Expert Recruiting Interviews
Sentiment Analysis and Human Sounding Tone
Instantly Transcribes Feedback and Learns Over Time
Assess Each Candidate Via Phone Powered Generative AI Agent
Technology Fine Tuned to Each Customer's Needs

Revolutionize Your Hiring With Generative Voice AI

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